
🚀 Won 3rd prize among 250+ teams, with this project at Hack36 4.0 hackathon

Our Solution

The problem can be solved if a teacher can know whether a student is both physically and mentally present in the classroom.

Let’s say teacher is going to teach topic A, B, C. He will prepare some short questions for each topic that a student must be able to answer. After he explains a topic, using our extension he can broadcast the question he prepared to all the students in a single click. Students will have to give answer by the time teacher has allocated for that question. Teacher can then move on to next topic and repeat the process when required. Using this, teacher can get feedback of how many students attempted and how many got it correct. Teacher also gets notified if a student who has joined the classroom does anything else except attending the class.


  • Allow teachers to broadcast questions to the students during the online lecture meeting in real- time through chrome extension and capture student’s responses
  • Built lecture analysis dashboard and proctoring tool which can track student's various browsing activities

Techniqual Aspects

  • By using chrome extension, web sockets we broadcasts the questions from teachers extension panel to the all the students (those are in google meet lecture) and receives responses through the same
  • Realtime activities of students such as tab switching, video or audio firing, web searching and downloading files etc.
  • Total Active time during lecture also tracked to find attendance of students
  • Only the authenticated users who are students of the class can receive the Questions from respective teacher & are able to send responses

Challanges we ran into

  • Realtime dialog injection in meet on every question brodcasting event by teacher

Tools we used

  • React

    React is a JavaScript library that aims to simplify the development of visual interfaces.

  • Redux

    Redux is a JavaScript library for managing application state.

  • Ant Design

    A design system for the better user experience of enterprise applications

  • Styled Components

    Styled Components is a library for React that allows you to use component-level styles in your application that are written with a mixture of JavaScript and CSS using a technique called CSS-in-JS

  • Express.js

    Express is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile.

  • Socket.IO

    Socket.IO is a JavaScript library for realtime web applications. It enables realtime, bi-directional communication between web clients and servers.
