Hello, I'm



About Me

Hi! I'm Rohit Bakoliya, a recent graduate from NIT Surat in Computer Engineering, currently working at Avalara as a Software Engineer. I'm a passionate software engineer who loves building robust and scalable applications using modern web and mobile technologies. I also enjoy developing web apps and utility tools and solving real-world problems.

I am skilled in full-stack development and have experience with technologies and languages like C/C++, Java, Javascript, Typescript, React, Node.JS, Python, and Rest API design.

My Skillsets

Tech Stacks

HTML5CSS3SassJavaScriptTypeScriptReactReduxGatsbyAngularFlutterNode.jsGraphQLMySQLMongoDBRedisFirebaseDockerC++PythonAmazon AWSGitHub ActionsJest

Other Tools

Visual Studio CodeGitLinuxGNU BashESLintAdobe IllustratorCanva

My Projects


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Shareby is a web-based platform where anyone can write code/rich text in the inbuilt Code Editor/Rich Text Editor and share it with their colleagues and teammates.


World Clock App

A Flutter based Cross Platform Application that shows the time in different coutries/citys.


Blockchain based solution to make trustful transections in between startups and investors by creating digital agreements in ethereum based smart contract

Code Image Generator API

REST API Endpoint that allows creating beautiful images from code using simple HTTP requests with the help of carbon.sh

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